About us

ARAO - Agency for Radioactive Waste Management is an expert organisation specialising in the management of radioactive waste. It carries out state-authorised tasks and projects.
Our mission is to establish a comprehensive system for the management of radioactive waste and spent fuel in Slovenia in accordance with the highest standards dictated and developed by the profession. As the generation that derives benefits from the use of radioactive material, we have a social responsibility to employ sustainable solutions and to avoid placing unnecessary radioactive waste management burdens on future generations.

ARAO Paying due regard to domestic and foreign knowledge and expertise, ARAO has put in place a radioactive waste and spent fuel management system that seeks to permanently protect human health and the environment within and beyond Slovenia’s borders and that is, at the same time, technologically advanced in global terms and cost-effective in national terms.

We strive to employ socially acceptable solutions and management processes. We follow established radioactive waste management principles, which are:

  • the production of radioactive waste must be limited to the smallest quantities possible;
  • radioactive waste must be separated from other hazardous waste;
  • the safety of the storage and disposal of waste should be based on the use of multiple successive barriers that prevent ionising radiation and waste from spreading into the environment;
  • the ‘polluter pays’ principle applies to the funding of radioactive waste management.

We also adhere to the principles of ionising radiation protection, including the ALARA (‘as low as reasonably achievable’) principle, which means that, with due regard to technical, economic and social factors, all resources and methods are used to ensure that radiation doses are as low as possible and practicable. We comply with the standards and recommendations of the International Atomic Energy AgencyIAEA).

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vljudno vas vabimo na Dan odprtih vrat gradbišča odlagališča nizko- in srednjeradioaktivih odpadkov (NSRAO) v Vrbini pri Krškem. Seznanili vas bomo z delovanjem gradbišča, značilnostmi odlagališča, skupnimi načrti, ki jih imamo in z veseljem bomo odgovorili na vaša vprašanja.
Strokovna vodstva po gradbišču bodo potekala v četrtek, 17. oktobra 2024, vsako uro od 11. do 16. ure (ob 16. uri sprejmemo zadnjo skupino).

Vsako uro lahko sprejmemo največ 20 obiskovalcev, zato vas zaradi strogih varnostnih postopkov vljudno prosimo, da svojo prisotnost potrdite najkasneje do ponedeljka, 14. oktobra do 11. ure na e-naslov: gp.arao@arao.si

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