Distinctions of Radioactive Waste

Distinctions are drawn in terms of:

  • the type and concentration of the radioactive elements within the waste;
  • the level of radioactivity and the speed of decay (half-life) of the constituent elements;
  • the aggregate state;
  • the chemical and physical properties of the material;
  • the quantity of heat emitted.

The quantity of heat emitted by waste is decisive in dictating how it is to be managed.

Radioactivity gradually decays
Radioactivity gradually decreases as a result of radioactive decay. The speed of the decrease depends on the half-life, which differs from element to element.
After the passing of every half-time period, the radioactivity decreases to half. After 10 half-lives have passed, the radioactivity of the material is less than 0.1% of the initial radioactivity. This also applies to radioactive waste.

Diagram s prikazom razpolovnih dob izotopov
Halving times diagram
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vljudno vas vabimo na Dan odprtih vrat gradbišča odlagališča nizko- in srednjeradioaktivih odpadkov (NSRAO) v Vrbini pri Krškem. Seznanili vas bomo z delovanjem gradbišča, značilnostmi odlagališča, skupnimi načrti, ki jih imamo in z veseljem bomo odgovorili na vaša vprašanja.
Strokovna vodstva po gradbišču bodo potekala v četrtek, 17. oktobra 2024, vsako uro od 11. do 16. ure (ob 16. uri sprejmemo zadnjo skupino).

Vsako uro lahko sprejmemo največ 20 obiskovalcev, zato vas zaradi strogih varnostnih postopkov vljudno prosimo, da svojo prisotnost potrdite najkasneje do ponedeljka, 14. oktobra do 11. ure na e-naslov: gp.arao@arao.si

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