Expert support tasks include the preparation and completion of the strategic plans, documents, reports and inspections that Slovenia is obliged to provide and update.
We provide state-run institutions, active in the field of the use of nuclear energy and radiation sources, with all the data they require, provide reports, and offer expert support for strategic decisions and the planning of long-term radioactive waste and spent fuel management. We are also responsible for maintaining and supplementing knowledge, and for developing staff in the field of radioactive waste management.

Among other documents, ARAO draws up the following:

Revisions of the Krško NPP Decommissioning Program and the Krško NPP Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel Disposal Program

The Intergovernmental contract determines that the appointed expert organisations from Slovenia and Croatia at least every five years draft a Krško NPP Decommissioning Program and the Krško NPP Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel Disposal Program.

Skladno z določbo meddržavne pogodbe je bila v letu 2004 izdelana in leta 2005 na 7. seji meddržavne komisije za spremljanje izvajanja meddržavne pogodbe potrjena prva revizija Programa razgradnje NEK in odlaganja NSRAO in IJG (DP Rev.1). Z DP Rev.1, ki je bil izdelan kot samostojen dokument, ki je združil oba programa, sta se seznanila Vlada Republike Slovenije s sklepom št. 311-01/2001-21 in Parlament Republike Hrvaške (Narodne novine, št. 175/04), ki je dal predhodno soglasje k sprejetju. 

On the basis of the first revision of the Program for decommissioning of the NPP and disposal of LILW and SF, which determined the amount of the contribution for the decommissioning of the NPP and disposal of RW and IG, from April 2005 ELES GEN, d. o. o. (since July 2006 GEN energija, d. o. o.), pays v Sklad  za financiranje razgradnje NEK in odlaganje radioaktivnih odpadkov iz NEK contribution in the amount of EUR 0.003/kWh of electricity produced at the NEK and sold in Slovenia.

Na Hrvaškem je bila 1. januarja 2023 sprejeta Uredba o višini, roku in načinu izplačila sredstev za financiranje razgradnje in odlaganja radioaktivnih odpadkov in izrabljenega jedrskega goriva Nuklearne elektrarne Krško (” Uradni list«, št. 156 /22). Nova Uredba določa, da je Hrvatska elektroprivreda d.d. dolžna plačati znesek 9.760.000,00 EUR na račun Sklada vsako četrtletje v višini 2,44 mio EUR. Nov pripsevek je bil določen v skladu s Tretjo revizijo Programa razgradnje Nuklearne elektrarne Krško in Programom odlaganja radioaktivnih odpadkov in izrabljenega jedrskega goriva, potrjenim na seji Meddržavne komisije 14. julija 2020.

Preparation of the second revision of the Program of NPP Krško Decommissioning and SF&LILW Disposal began after the 8th session of the Intergovernmental Commission in 2008, which charged the expert organisations ARAO from Slovenia and the Special Waste Agency (APO) in Croatia with preparing the document. The first version of the document was prepared in June 2010 and the second version in February 2011. The Intergovernmental Commission did not discuss or approve these documents.

The Intergovernmental Commission met again in July 2015 and was informed of the status of the preparation of the second revision of the Program of NPP Krško Decommissioning and SF&LILW Disposal. At this session the Commission decided to halt all activities relating to the preparation of this document and to immediately proceed to the drafting of the third revision of the Krško NPP Decommissioning Program and third revision of the Krško NPP Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel Disposal Program. The Intergovernmental Commission charged the expert organisations referred to in Article 10 of the Intergovernmental Treaty with drafting the terms of reference for the preparation of the revision of the Krško NPP Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel Disposal Program in cooperation with Krško NPP. The expert organisations referred to in Article 10 of the Intergovernmental Treaty are also charged with drafting the terms of reference for the preparation of the revision of the Krško NPP Decommissioning Program in collaboration with Krško NPP. Pursuant to a decision of the Intergovernmental Commission, the contract signatories each authorised their expert organisations (ARAO from Slovenia and Fond NEK from Croatia) to prepare both programs in accordance with the Intergovernmental Contract.

At the 11th session of the Intergovernmental Commission in November 2017, it was decided that the two expert organisations, Slovenia’s ARAO and Croatia’s Fond NEK had, in cooperation with Krško NPP, prepared new coordinated terms of reference at the technical level for the decommissioning of Krško NPP and the disposal of radioactive waste from Krško NPP. The Intergovernmental Commission approved both sets of terms of reference and charged ARAO and Fond NEK with collaborating with Krško NPP on the drafting of a third revision of the Krško NPP Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel Disposal Program. At the same time, it charged Krško NPP with drafting the third revision of the Krško NPP Decommissioning Program in collaboration with ARAO and Fond NEK.

The Intergovernmental Commission was then apprised of the third revisions of both programs and their executive summaries at its 13th session in September 2019. It decided that both programs should be forwarded for further adoption procedures in Slovenia and Croatia.

On its 14th session in July 2020, Intergovernmental Commission adopted the third revision of the Programme for the Decommissioning of NEK and the Programme for the Disposal of RAW and SF from NEK.

In accordance with the decision of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia no. 306-106/2021/5 from January 2022, GEN energija, d.o.o., from 1/1/2022 pays into the Fund for financing the decommissioning of the Krško Nuclear Power Plant and the disposal of radioactive waste from the Krško Nuclear Power Plant an amount of EUR 12.0/MWh.

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vljudno vas vabimo na Dan odprtih vrat gradbišča odlagališča nizko- in srednjeradioaktivih odpadkov (NSRAO) v Vrbini pri Krškem. Seznanili vas bomo z delovanjem gradbišča, značilnostmi odlagališča, skupnimi načrti, ki jih imamo in z veseljem bomo odgovorili na vaša vprašanja.
Strokovna vodstva po gradbišču bodo potekala v četrtek, 17. oktobra 2024, vsako uro od 11. do 16. ure (ob 16. uri sprejmemo zadnjo skupino).

Vsako uro lahko sprejmemo največ 20 obiskovalcev, zato vas zaradi strogih varnostnih postopkov vljudno prosimo, da svojo prisotnost potrdite najkasneje do ponedeljka, 14. oktobra do 11. ure na e-naslov:

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