Meet the ARAO team
Peter Gričar Vintar, the student
Peter is a student at the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology in Ljubljana, where he is completing the first level of the Chemical Technology course this year, and plans to continue his studies at the postgraduate course in biochemistry.
He likes to gain new experiences, so cooperation with ARAO seems like a great opportunity. Above all, he wants to better understand the construction, why we need a disposal, how it will be integrated into the local environment, and to learn about everything that is necessary to bring such a project from extensive studies and analyzes to construction and final operation.. "However, since it all sounds very interesting, I hope that there will be an opportunity to collaborate again in the future.", he says at the beginning of cooperation with ARAO.
Before starting his studies, Peter was actively involved in athletics, achieved several important results and became both a national champion and a national record holder. During his studies, he put off serious sports for a while due to the number of training sessions and devoted himself to education. “Zagotovo pa želja po vrnitvi v športne vode po končanem študiju ostaja, zato tudi veliko svojega prostega časa rad preživim zunaj, na kar se da aktiven način.”, he says.
We will share his practice and learning, as well as his feelings and observations about it, with you weekly, so we kindly invite you to accompany him on the ARAO journey with us.