Mission and vision statement, objectives and safety policies


ARAO is a national technical support organisation providing long-term, safe and cost-effective radioactive waste management solutions to the users of nuclear and radiation technologies in Slovenia.

It plans the final disposal of radioactive waste that is generated during the operation of Krško Nuclear Power Plant (and that will be generated during the decommissioning of the plant), as well as radioactive waste generated in other activities.

It collects, transports, processes and stores institutional radioactive waste produced in medicine, research activities and industry.

It is authorised for long-term surveillance and maintenance of uranium mining and milling waste repositories. 


Over the long term, we wish to assure a comprehensive management system for all radioactive waste in Slovenia in accordance with standards protecting human health and the environment.

As the generation that enjoys the benefits of nuclear energy and radioactive material, we have a social responsibility to employ suitable solutions and to avoid placing unnecessary radioactive waste management burdens on future generations.

Safety culture will continue to be a comprehensive element of all segments of our operations. Safety and environmental and social acceptability are the guiding principles of our radwaste management work.

Long-term strategic goals

We are planning to construct a low- and intermediate radioactive waste repository for final disposal of the waste produced so far. A solution for future radioactive waste will also be designed.

We will continue to provide an efficient and client-friendly service of institutional radioactive waste management to medical and research institutions and to industry that use radioactive materials and radiation sources. We will accept the radioactive waste from all producers and place it in the central storage facility, no matter for what purpose they use the radiation sources and materials.

Our desire is to design a management concept for spent fuel and high level radioactive waste that takes to account the strategic value of the inventory and fulfils safety requirements at all stages of management, despite the large timespan involved, by paying due consideration to national and international policy frameworks.

Quality and environmental management policy

We see an opportunity to continuously improve ARAO operations by putting in place an integrated quality and environmental management system. The quality and environmental management policies are based on the fundamental principles and values of radioactive waste management.

We will ensure a high level of protection of human health and the environment within and beyond the borders of the country, both now and in the future. We carry out our activities so that future generations will not face undue burdens.

We continuously follow the development of technology around the world and strive to enhance our expertise in all areas.

In our activities, we use globally recognised best available technologies, which we access via our international connections. When carrying out projects, we place special emphasis on environmental responsibility.
ARAO policies, whose adequacy is continually monitored, evaluated and improved by management in response to the objectives achieved, are in line with the vision of development of ARAO activities, and define the principles upon which the quality and environmental management systems, including commitments to continuously improve all systems, are built and developed. We are fully aware that there can be no successful policy implementation without the active involvement of all ARAO staff.

The main principles of the policy are:

  • to continuously follow up on legislation and stakeholders’ requirements, and adjust our capacities;
  • to communicate appropriately with our staff and make all the necessary information available to them;
  • to provide the continuous professional training of staff;
  • to guide and motivate staff to manage activities independently and responsibly;
  • to ensure a cost-effective quality level at all levels of operation;
  • to continuously align management systems with the applicable legal and other requirements relating to quality, the environment, safety and good business practice;
  • to engage in partner cooperation with key suppliers and service providers;
  • to nurture contacts with key stakeholders and monitor stakeholder satisfaction;
  • to make continuous improvements to efficiency and performance;
  • to ensure that partners are informed of our management policy (signing of a statement that confirms that they have been apprised of ARAO’s requirements and that they will comply with them);
  • to select providers that have a certified quality system and environmental management systems (with providers without a certified quality and environmental management system the activity manager provides an adequate supervision and guidelines);
  • to organise continuous training and information-provision for those who work for ARAO with the aim of improving awareness of the importance of environmentally friendly practice;
  • to ensure that all employees are aware of their safety obligations.

ARAO management is responsible for ensuring that all employees are highly professionally qualified, well-informed and motivated.

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