ARAO started the construction of a nuclear facility within the framework of the construction of the LILW disposal site


On Tuesday, October 1, 2024, we reached new milestone in the construction of the LILW disposal site at ARAO - within the framework of the construction of the low- and medium-level radioactive waste disposal facility in Krško. The construction of the nuclear facility includes the construction of a disposal silo, a technological and administrative service facility, and a hall above the silo. Construction is expected to be completed in 2027.

V tem tednu smo pri ARAO pričeli s pomembno fazo gradnje jedrskega objekta v okviru izgradnje odlagališča nizko- in srednjeradioaktivnih odpadkov (NSRAO), in sicer z gradnjo podpornega zidu odlagalnega silosa (diafragme). Danes smo pričeli z izkopom za prvi del (panel) podpornega zidu odlagalnega silosa, do konca tedna pa načrtujemo betonažo prvega panela.

CEO of ARAO, MSc. Sandi Viršek at the beginning of the construction of the nuclear part of the construction said: "I am very glad that we have started another important milestone in this project - with the construction of a disposal silo. It is the construction of the first independent nuclear facility in the independent Republic of Slovenia, which required special attention from the very beginning, both in terms of placement and planning. The excavation of the retaining wall for the construction of the disposal silo and the construction of the silo, which we are starting today, represent the most important part of the construction of the disposal site. I believe in the team and I will gladly continue to actively participate and monitor the progress of the project. "

Špela Mechora, PhD, Project manager of LILW repository construction added: "We are under construction of a unique concept in the world, a near-surface type of disposal, which was recognized by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) as an example of good practice of the disposal concept. A disposal built in this way has a negligible impact on people and the environment, which has already been proven by extensive safety analysis in the process of obtaining environmental approval and building permit."

Construction is expected to take 42 months. The selected construction contractor is a consortium with leading partner Riko d.o.o. from Ljubljana and partners Kolektor CPG, Nova Gorica, CGP, Novo mesto and Kostak, d.d. from Krško.

Work at the construction site started in August last year, and as part of the infrastructural arrangement, we carried out the rehabilitation of the access road to the disposal construction site with sidewalks, a bicycle path with associated connections and public lighting, as well as the arrangement of water supply, telecommunications and electricity. We also established physical and technical protection of the nuclear facility.

LILW waste disposal facility in Krško is the largest and most comprehensive project of ARAO. It is a project that is also a project of national importance, as it fulfills the strategic goal of protecting people and the environment from the unnecessary effects of ionizing radiation. As a permanent solution, a landfill is therefore absolutely necessary, as this is the only way to ensure the conditions for long-term management of low- and medium-level radioactive waste in Slovenia.

Planned timeline of the construction

In the years 2024, 2025 and 2026, the construction of the retaining wall of the disposal silo (diaphragm), the excavation of the disposal silo, the execution of all concrete works within the disposal silo, including stairs and the construction of an administrative and service facility are planned. The construction of the technological facility will take place in 2025, 2026 and 2027.

In 2027, we anticipate the start of construction of the hall above the silo, the delivery and installation of the gantry lift, completion of construction and the start of trial operation.

Characteristics of the facility

It is a near-surface disposal site for low- and medium-level radioactive waste with a disposal unit in the form of a silo. The disposal silo will have an internal diameter of just over 27 meters and will be 56 meters deep. All waste will be placed in 990 concrete containers, which is sufficient for the Slovenian part of the radioactive waste produced until the end of operation of the NPP (2043). The concrete containers will be placed in the disposal silo using a gantry lift. It will be possible to deposit 10 layers of waste, in each layer there will be 99 containers. The space between the containers will be filled with sealing material. When the silo is full, it will be closed with a concrete cover and a thick layer of clay. The deposited waste will thus be protected by a multi-barrier system of artificial and natural barriers. After the landfill is closed, such a facility will have a negligible impact on people and the environment.

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