OBR-0033: Evidenca vstopa in gibanja oseb v jedrskem objektu

(FORM-0033 – Record of entry and movement of individuals in a nuclear facility)

Upravljavec jedrskega objekta mora za osebe, ki niso varnostno preverjene v skladu s 149. členom Zakona o varstvu pred ionizirajočimi sevanji in jedrski varnosti, voditi evidenco vstopa v objekt in gibanja po njem.

(The operator of the nuclear facility must maintain a record of entry into the facility and movement within it for individuals who have not undergone security screening in accordance with Article 149 of the Slovenian Act on protection against ionizing radiation and nuclear safety.

(Official name of the organization)
(Address of the organization)
(Reason for entering the controlled area)
Ime in priimek osebe(Required)
(Name and surname of the person)
Naslov (Address)(Required)
Vrsta osebnega dokumenta(Required)
(Type of personal document)
(No. personal document)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
(Date of birth)
(place of birth)
DD dot MM dot YYYY
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